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Acting leader and second in command of the Dark Ravens. One of Terra's seven most trusted generals, earning him the title of Chief Magistrate and first of the Elemental Kings.


The Great Hawk- Storm Seer- Forbidden Tempest 

Phillip J. Marcus, born in Split, Croatia, October 14, 2048, is smart, crafty, cunning, wise beyond his years and at times erratic.


He’s the last of 5 children, born to Patron Lane Marcus and Anica Isabel Marcus. His mother died giving birth to him; his father later due to illness. His oldest brother was KIA on his second military tour, leaving his second eldest brother, Ian, to lead the family. In the end, he failed, leading to his mental breakdown and the death of two other siblings. Phillip took to the streets, fearing for his own life.


After the success of their first mission seared a 9 year bond between Phillip and Terra. Our film starts years later when Phillip is now a felon raider and acting leader of the Dark Ravens, currently heading to Colossus Reach to buy Terra back from James Timothy Viceroy.


     Phillip J. Marcus

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