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Storm Raven

Once a notorious felon and leader of a ruthless pack of raiders, Terra Bannelrock is instantly dethroned and humiliated by the betrayal of Delmar Strong, the leader of another raiding party. Delmar Strong sells her to James Timothy Viceroy, the warden of the hellish prison city of Colossus Reach where sex slavery is the main economy. 

Our story begins as Terra has spent 254 days imprisoned in Ward S of Colossus Reach, vowing that upon 256 days she will be free. Phillip J. Marcus, acting leader of the Dark Ravens and Terra’s second in command, reluctantly departs for Colossus Reach. Acting as a Monolith raider, he attempts to buy Terra back along with two other prisoners as slaves. Things goes south as Cutlass raiders attack the Monolith ships, realizing they are being used as a disguise by the Dark Ravens. In the frenzy, Terra escapes and must decide whether her freedom is worth more than the life of a friend. 

Written & Directed by Jonathan Morlu 

Produced by Diana Lin & Jonathan Morlu

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